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Data Science Trends to Watch in 2023 Russ Ewell-min

Data Science Trends to Watch in 2023

The ability to collect and analyze data is becoming more important in today’s competitive environment. Companies can now gain a competitive advantage by analyzing and extracting insights from various sources.


The rise of digital transformation is forcing companies to adopt a data-driven business model. This allows them to make informed decisions and react to changes in the world around them. It helps us to anticipate and react to events that affect the established order of things.


Despite the evolution of data and analytics, the world of data and analytics is constantly changing. New technologies are being introduced that allow companies to collect and analyze more data. These innovations are expected to significantly impact how we use data and analytics in 2023.


More People Using Data

One of the most important trends that will affect the way we use data and analytics in 2023 is the increasing number of people who are empowered to put it to work. This will allow them to perform their jobs more effectively. The rise of augmented working allows people to access and use various tools and devices designed to help them do their jobs more efficiently.


In the next few years, businesses will realize how important it is to collect and analyze data to improve customer relationships and develop new products and services. However, until the power of data-driven insights is widely available to everyone in the organization, it will not be possible to fully implement this strategy.


In practice, there are examples of how data democracy can be used to improve the efficiency of various organizations. For instance, lawyers can use natural language processing tools to quickly sort documents and find relevant articles for their clients. Retail sales assistants can use terminals to discover customers’ past purchases and recommend products. According to a study conducted by McKinsey, businesses that make data accessible to all their employees are more likely to see a positive impact on their revenue.


The Cloud

The cloud is a platform that enables organizations to collect and analyze data. Businesses can easily access the sources they need to improve their operations through its various services, such as subscription-based platforms and data warehouses. This eliminates the need to build their own storage systems and collect data.


As a service, DaaS platforms allow organizations to collect and analyze data. They can then use this data to create more effective and valuable insights. Usually, this type of approach is used to supplement a company’s existing data.


The ability to access and analyze data through the cloud is a key component of the democratization of data. It eliminates the need for companies to spend a lot of money on data science and technical expertise.


AI and ML

Artificial intelligence is expected to greatly impact how we work, live, and do business in the future. Its ability to make more accurate predictions and reduce the time people spend on mundane tasks will allow them to focus on more productive activities. This technological change will also empower employees to adopt data-driven insights.


Machine learning is the core technology that enables businesses to analyze and improve their data faster than they would manually. This type of artificial intelligence is built on software algorithms designed to improve performance.


ML and AI technologies include natural language processing, computer vision, and generative AI, which can create text, images, and videos from scratch. These technologies are similar to what we do with our eyes.


Real-Time Data Collection

When analyzing and searching for insights, it’s important to remember that the data collected in real-time is always relevant. This allows businesses to make informed decisions and improve their operations.


Since working with real-time data requires a lot of technical expertise and expensive equipment, it can be challenging to implement. But with the help of AI and ML, we can analyze and act on data as it happens. For instance, analyzing the data from a website’s clickstream might allow us to identify which promotions and offers are most effective.


Due to the increasing number of organizations looking to collect and analyze data, the need for updated and up-to-date information will become more prevalent in 2023. This is why implementing real-time analytics and data will become the most important tool for businesses.



In addition to implementing regulations, data governance will also become a major issue in 2023 as governments around the world introduce laws designed to protect the privacy and security of individuals’ personal information. Following the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), other countries such as China and Canada are expected to follow suit. According to Gartner, by 2023, over 65% of the world’s population will be covered by similar regulations.


In addition to implementing regulations, data governance will also become a major issue in 2023 as governments around the world introduce laws designed to protect the privacy and security of individuals’ personal information. This means that businesses will have to implement effective measures to ensure that their procedures are properly understood and documented.


Although it might seem like an extra step, the goal is to make sure that the organizations that collect and analyze data are following proper procedures and are able to protect the privacy and security of the information they collect. This will allow them to provide their customers with better services and products.


The Negatives and Positives of Self-Driving Cars Russ Ewell-min

The Negatives and Positives of Self-Driving Cars

Despite the technological advancements in the field of autonomous vehicles, they are still not yet ready to be fully integrated into our transportation systems. This could bring mixed emotions to everyone.


The question of whether or not autonomous vehicles should be considered a hazard or help is still a big one. To help you make an informed decision, we’ve listed this technology’s various pros and cons.




Economic Effects

The economic benefits of fully autonomous vehicles are expected to greatly increase once they are integrated into transportation systems. Even a 5% decrease in crashes could save millions of dollars annually.


Saving Lives

The design of vehicles has greatly improved over the years, which has led to safer and less frequent car crashes. The fatality rate has decreased from 30 people per 100,000 to 8 people per 100,000 vehicles.


Despite the various technological advancements in car design, experts believe that human error is one of the biggest factors contributing to the increasing number of car fatalities. Removing human error from the equation could lead to a significant decrease in the number of road fatalities.



Many individuals have restricted mobility due to their age or disability. With the availability of fully autonomous vehicles, everyone will have the opportunity to have access to the technology without having to take a driver’s license test.


Improved Commutes

With the ability to communicate with other cars and avoid rear-end collisions, eliminating bumper-to-bumper traffic jams is expected to be a reality soon. In addition, automatic braking functions could help prevent rear-end crashes. Speed limits could also be raised.


Environmental Effects

Many companies developing driverless cars are currently focused on using electric power instead of traditional combustion engines. This technology is expected to make autonomous cars more eco-friendly than their gas-powered counterparts. One of the main advantages of this technology is that it eliminates the need for manual steering and braking, which helps save on power.





The number of cars on the road could increase if the number of autonomous vehicles becomes popular. Since many people would be able to use their own cars, this could cause a spike in the number of vehicles on the road.



Although autonomous vehicles are expected to be safer than human-driven cars, they are still susceptible to various types of glitches and hacks. One of these is the vulnerability that could allow a hacker to take over the car. Also, the sensors and signals used in this technology could be vulnerable to being exploited remotely.


Job Loss

Many individuals rely on cars for their livelihood. These include truck drivers, taxi drivers, and delivery drivers. If autonomous vehicles were to be introduced, these individuals would most likely lose their jobs.



The cost of developing and manufacturing an autonomous vehicle is expected to be astronomical at first. It will take a long time before the technology is widely available.

How To Introduce New Technologies to Your Business Russ Ewell-min

How To Introduce New Technologies to Your Business

Despite the positive effects of new technology, many people still don’t like it. This is especially true regarding technology in the workplace, as it can be hard to implement. It could be that the benefits haven’t been communicated or the implementation process is not ideal. To help build more bridges, here are some tips to help you navigate the various barriers preventing people from adopting new technology.


Pick Technology That Benefits Everyone

Before you start implementing new technology, make sure that you thoroughly evaluate the benefits of the technology and its impact on your organization. This will help you make an informed decision. In addition, before you start talking about the technology, make sure that you are open to the ideas and concerns of your stakeholders.


Find an Ambassador

Negativity can quickly spread within the workplace. To help spread the word about the new technology:

  1. Recruit a few individuals at every level to help others understand its benefits.
  2. Show your champions the necessary facts and figures so that they can easily support the change.
  3. Ensure your entire senior leadership team is on board with the new technology.


Offer Interesting Training

One of the most essential factors that you should consider when it comes to implementing new technology is the effectiveness of the training. If it’s not done well, your participants might not learn anything. Instead of holding boring training, try a variety of activities that will help your participants improve their skills.


Take Different Needs Into Account

One of the most critical factors that you should consider when it comes to implementing new technology is the effectiveness of the training. To cater to varying needs, you should create training sessions designed to accommodate different learners. You can also provide various learning materials such as videos, documents, and live training.


Explain on an Individual Basis

When implementing new technology, it is crucial to emphasize the personal value of the new tool. This will help employees understand how it will benefit them and their work. Make sure that everyone knows the new system’s benefits and how it will help them.


We all have experienced the challenges of learning or introducing new technology. These tips can help you overcome these obstacles and successfully implement the latest technology. Share your own experiences here.

How Technology is Changing Education Russ Ewell-min

How Technology is Changing Education

Technology has become an increasingly important part of education in recent years. It can be used in a variety of ways, from helping students to learn more effectively to allowing teachers to track student progress more easily. There is no question that technology has had a major impact on education. With the advent of the internet and online learning, there has been a dramatic shift in how people learn and receive information.

There are a number of reasons why technology is so important in education. One is that it can help students and teachers learn more effectively. For example, if a student is having trouble understanding a concept they can use the internet to find resources that will help them learn it better.


However, technology is not only changing how we learn but also what we learn. In the past, students were typically only exposed to information that was available in their local area or through books. However, with the internet, students have access to a wealth of information from all over the world. This increased access to information is changing the way educators teach and students learn.


In addition to changing what and how we learn, technology is also changing where we learn. With online learning, students are no longer confined to traditional classrooms. They can now learn from anywhere in the world, as long as they have an internet connection. This increased flexibility is giving rise to a new generation of learners who are not bound by geographical boundaries.


Technology is also changing how we assess learning. In the past, assessments were often done through paper-based tests and exams. However, with the advent of online learning, there are now many different ways to assess students’ understanding and progress. For example, online quizzes and tests can provide instant feedback to students and teachers alike. This instant feedback is helping to improve the quality of education overall.


There is no question that technology is having a major impact on education. With its ability to change how we learn, what we learn, and where we learn, it is clear that technology is here to stay. As education evolves, it will be interesting to see how technology continues to shape the way we learn.            

New Assistive Technologies in 2022

There is no doubt that technology has changed the world in innumerable ways. In particular, it has made life easier for people with disabilities. Assistive technologies have come a long way in the past few years, and they are only going to get better in 2022. Many people with disabilities rely on assistive technologies to help them with everyday tasks. Here are some of the most promising new technologies that will be available in 2022.


  1. Help for the Hearing Impaired
    One of the most promising new technologies for people with hearing impairments is called AudioEye. This technology uses a combination of hardware and software to provide real-time captioning for live events. AudioEye is already being used by some major corporations, including Microsoft and AT&T. Also, the National Association of the Deaf has given AudioEye its seal of approval. Most importantly, AudioEye is very affordable, which makes it accessible to people with all types of hearing impairments.


  1. Help for the Dexterity-Challenged
    There are many new technologies being developed to help people with dexterity issues. One of the most promising is a robotic arm that can be controlled by thoughts. The user simply wears a special cap that reads brain waves. This technology is still in the early stages of development, but it has great potential for people with disabilities. According to one estimate, there are over a million people in the United States alone who could benefit from this technology.


  1. Help for the Visually Impaired
    There are several new technologies being developed to help the visually impaired. One of the most promising is called eSight. This wearable device uses a high-definition camera to capture images and then displays them on two OLED screens in front of the user’s eyes. The result is that the user can see things that they would not be able to see with their naked eyes. eSight is already being used by thousands of people around the world, and it is expected to be available to the general public by 2022.


These are just a few examples of the new assistive technologies that will be available in 2022. It is clear that these technologies have the potential to change the lives of people with disabilities for the better. We can only imagine what new technologies will be developed in the years to come.

The Cost of a Data Breach


Data breaches are one of the biggest challenges businesses face in this digital world. A data breach can cost more than an organization’s worth when its reputation is threatened, and it has to pay for rectifying the damage.


What exactly is a data breach?

A data breach is when a hacker or third party gains access to systems, applications, or websites that contain personal data and are not authorized to possess. Data in these systems and applications are often electronic, such as credit card information and other personal information.


What are the different types of data breaches?

At some point, everyone will be affected by identity theft due to data breaches. On average, there is a data breach every day globally, and the number is only getting more significant.

Data brokers have discovered new ways data can be used for identity theft, from browsing history to social media accounts. There are four main ways in which data will get stolen:


  1. Hacking into a site.


  1. Exploiting vulnerabilities.


  1. Social engineering (tricking someone into giving up their personal information).


  1. Ransomware.


What are the costs?

A data breach often does not end in financial losses for customers or the company, but this is not always the case. Data breaches can be expensive for both parties. Once a data breach occurs, an organization loses control over its brand image and customers’ trust in its products and services. A data breach can cause significant financial damages to an organization due to the loss of sales and the payment of fines.


How to avoid data breaches

To avoid data breaches, it is crucial to conduct penetration testing and vulnerability assessments of the network regularly.

Companies should ensure their database are secure. There are many ways to do so. One of them is by making the most out of their passwords. Passwords can be stored with encryption, have a length that makes guessing near impossible, and include unique and ever-changing characters. Also, never work on files or other documents on a public computer or network.



The cost of a data breach is continuously on the rise, but taking action to secure data now can help protect data in the future.

Re Assistive Technology Empowering Students

Assistive Technology Empowering Students

Stepping Into the Future: How Assistive Technology is Transforming Teaching Students with Disabilities

When considering technology, the first thing that comes to mind might not be the assistive tools used in classrooms, but these innovative instruments are revolutionizing the way teachers conduct their classroom business, especially Special Education classrooms. With a variety of different apps, organizers, and special technologies, students with disabilities and their families can rest assured that teachers have a large group of resources at their disposal.


Consider the Academy of Whole Learning, a K-12, private Minnesota school for students with learning disabilities including Autism. The academy introduced virtual reality technology to their classrooms, which is just one example of the many assistive technologies teachers can implement in their teaching. According to Kade Dreschler, a teacher at the Academy of Whole Learning, the immersive VR experience was a wonderful experience for the students. Using the VR technology, the students were able to block out classroom distractions and focus on the environment on the screen in front of them, leading to improvements in their social and friendship experiences. These technologies, too, are helpful for students with a range of disabilities, including those who are blind or visually compared, those who are deaf or hard of hearing, or those with other learning, cognitive, or developmental disabilities.


The types of assistive technology used by teachers is incredibly varied, especially depending on their students’ disabilities. For students who are visually compared, have dyslexia, or are blind, teachers can use text-to-speech technology to allow these students to listen to things on a printed page. It works by scanning words on a page and reading them allowed in a robotic voice, allowing students who cannot easily read to still enjoy the text!


Perhaps a lesser-known type of assistive technology is called the sip-and-puff system and works to assist students and people with paralysis or other motor skill difficulties. Using this system, students can use a joystick in order to control their technological applications, moving the cursor with their heads and clicking with a sip or puff. While this system is new and still needs some refinement, it has already become a pivotal part of special education classrooms.


Clearly, assistive technologies for students with disabilities are quickly becoming a necessity. With the emergence of these technologies, and the tireless plight of teachers to teach their students to the best of their ability, it’s safe to say that students with disabilities are in good educational hands.


Re Home Tech Devices To Help People With Disabilities

Home Tech Devices To Help People With Disabilities

People with disabilities understand that it is important to maintain independence while making their living spaces accessible. The goal of independence requires that people have access to the same opportunities in their social, physical and cultural environments as their peers without disabilities. To achieve this it helps to have technological support so that they’re able to make meaningful choices about the management of their lives.

Modern technology has produced devices that can improve life for those who have disabilities.

Some devices that have proven useful include:


  1. Amazon Echo:

This device is prudent to start with because it’s versatile. It allows users to control devices in their homes via voice. Another option is downloading the app. It gives users the freedom to control devices from their smartphones even when away from home.


  1. Smart Lock:

A smart door lock allows individuals to choose who has access to their home and how often. It keeps track of who’s entering the home and access can be revoked in seconds if needed. This device is ideal to allow nurses, housekeepers, and loved ones access to the home.


  1. Smart Doorbell:

A smart doorbell can be beneficial to those who may be bed-bound. It allows the user to see who’s at the door via a motion sensor camera. The user decides to grant access or not.


  1. Smart Thermostat:

A smart thermostat can ensure a comfortable home temperature at all times. These devices even allow individuals to change the temperature while away from home.


  1. Smart Lighting And Outlets:

Smart lighting is ideal for individuals who suffer from visual impairment or sensory issues. Smart outlets allow users to turn lights off or on via apps so they are easy to access regardless of mobility levels.


  1. Smart Window Dressings:

Using curtains, blinds, and shades may be challenging for individuals with mobility issues. Having the ability to install window treatments that can be operated remotely makes it much simpler.


  1. Smart Garage Door Opener:

If an individual has trouble operating a regular garage door opener, a smart version may be a good choice. A smart opener allows operation of the garage door remotely whether they’re at home or not.


People with disabilities can use various technologies to lessen the impact of their individual challenges in daily life. These devices and others can make a significant difference in the quality of life for them.

Russ Ewell Virtual Reality

How Virtual Reality is Assisting Individuals with Disabilities

Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) was launched in May of 2012. Ever since then, it’s been recognized on the third Thursday of May every year. Its purpose is to increase awareness about the digital options people with disabilities have. This is in hopes of generating innovative digital solutions to increase their ease of mobility. Virtual Reality (VR) technology has a strong potential for making learning easier for disabled men, women and children.


An Equal Playing Field


Distance learning is evolving at a rapid rate, and VR technology is the platform of choice for many educational companies. For example, ENGAGE is a virtual reality education and training platform that deeply immerses each student and teacher into their topic of study. The platform was built with the idea of helping the disabled learn just as effectively as those who are not disabled. In this platform, and similar ones, each student has an equal opportunity to learn and not feel hindered.


Navigating Virtual Worlds


For the physically challenged, a world of opportunities now exists to learn things they could have never learned before. VR technology is making it possible for those confined to wheelchairs to take their time learning how to get around their cities. They can now do this in a virtual world, while in the comfort of their living rooms. Or they can take part in sports activities that they never could have without VR technology. The wheelchair confined can learn about surfing sitting in their wheelchairs while standing up on their skateboards in the virtual world.


Increasing Attention Levels


Children, as well as adults with moderate to severe Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), can learn with the help of these VR platforms. The learning environments are so stimulating and engaging, those with ADHD tend to remain engaged throughout the lesson and retain more of what they have learned. The VR headsets also cover their frame of view, cutting out distractions from the physical world. Autistic children can learn how to connect with others socially with the help of VR environments specially created for their individual needs.

The fact that these VR applications can be used in familiar environments is an added plus. While most VR headsets are out of many people’s financial reach, more affordable options, such as Google Cardboard, are compatible with smartphones and are much more affordable.

Technology Spotlight Project Understood Russ Ewell

Technology Spotlight: Project Understood

Google is a seasoned pro when it comes to developing reliable and modern technology that promotes inclusion amongst all users. We are living in an era where voice technology is becoming the norm as pivotal software to assist users with a variety of tasks. Digital voice assistants like Google’s Assistant, Apple’s Siri, and Amazon’s Alexa have quickly become a necessity through all tech mediums like smartphones, tablets, and home devices. 


However, the Canadian Down Syndrome Society (CDSS) noticed that voice technology can lack the capability to correctly understand and transmit the voices of individuals with Down Syndrome. The way that individuals with Down Syndrome speak can be anomalous compared to those without, making the software difficult to use. Although, it is likely that individuals with a number of disabilities would benefit from the technology the most.  


With this mission in mind, the CDSS set forth to find partnership in one of these major tech companies to not only recognize the issue at hand but join them in developing a solution that they have named Project Understood. Google was quick to jump on board and, with the society’s help, is testing its technology. 


The initial test was to record 1,700 words and phrases spoken by individuals with Down Syndrome. From there, researchers could analyze whether or not Google’s voice technology was able to learn from the repetitive input of this voice data. They started with about nine volunteers. 


After the initial testing, researched could confirm that Google’s voice technology was able to understand about 2 of 3 words spoken by individuals with Down Syndrome and that it has the capabilities to learn more with further data. Now the project just needs to secure more volunteers to feed Google’s voice technology more data. 


Google and the CDSS are now seeking to collect about a thousand different voices of individuals with Down Syndrome to donate their time to developing this dynamic software. Not only will this help teach the system to learn to recognize speech from individuals with Down Syndrome, but it should also benefit other individuals with disabilities or atypical speech. 


Google and the Canadian Down Syndrome Society are just a few of a number of companies that are working to build a more inclusive future for individuals with disabilities. Voice recognition, along with other smart technologies, has the capability to enhance the lives of all users, no matter their differences. 

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